Inspiration from Summer Pierre

Truism # 6
Originally uploaded by summerpierre
All credits for this image Summer Pierre

Last night I had a mini melt down a crisis of 'what am I doing! I don't like my new day job! holy shit I am in this place again. If I want to have children my time is running out.' It was the angry, cry, emote variety where the boy looked perplexed and asked 'What happened at work today?'. Well nothing specific happened at my new day job in fact I had a very positive and healthy day that included a miracle of Monday morning gym session. It was triggered by watching an inspiring Podcast talk by Eve Ensler on TED talks, I would recommend but beware it has a power. Anyway I then thought what am i doing I am not doing enough I want more out of my life hearing all these wonderful stories about potent women I know I want to do more. It was a crisis for an hour and at the end I was laughing the boy patiently listened, offered to move back to Australia (this wasn't the answer I wanted) and after listening something moved and I was ok. I know in my heart I am not in the job of my dreams and I want to feel good about what I do. I know I can make a difference but it isn't enough anymore and then I get really stuck about money and being responsible. I know I have choices but I limit myself. As always I am a big work in progress and I just need to keep riding the weather.

Today in my lunchtime respite, I found the image that I have includedin this post and it reminded me of last night's crazy meltdown. It made me smile and laugh and gave me a crazy sense of hope. The image is from a new discovery of mine Summmer Pierre's blog.

Important note: Summer has a new book that I have added to my wishlist The Artist in the Office


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