Pushed on through to create an online portfolio at London's Artist Quarter.

After frustration and annoyance here is my best shot for now: ajcarmichael portfolio

Project - Flags

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Project - Flags, a set on Flickr.

Taking photos, documenting, working out how to share this work. Series of 64 slowly understanding the ways to develop it further. Getting back into the rigour of taking images and sharing them.

my work - how do I install this work?

Ok well I have been spending much of my time working out how to hang my flags to be in the group exhibition in July. This photo pretty much sums up what I have been doing physically, and in my thinking. This morning I woke up instantly options running through my mind and then dozed back to sleep. I am finding it so difficult to be able to translate my work to a space to be shared with an audience.

I am having a huge learning experience about how challenging it is to put together work to share. Everything I have imagined or sketched hasn't worked and so I just keep experimenting and asking for feedback and if I stick with it enough fingers crosed something will happen.

participating in Slowalk

On Saturday of the Royal Wedding weekend I participated in Hamish Fulton's Slowalk in support of Ai Weiwei. Much more important the me than any big activities, walking silently very slowly for two hours in the Tate Modern was a great experience.

It may be the only time I am linked to art in the Tate by participating in an Art piece.

Two videos I have shared below, one from Tate and another unofficial one I found video I found on Youtube.

I am looking forward to some other images being available of the movement at a distance to have an insight to what it was like for the spectator from above.