Frank the puppy

Welcome to my world Frank the mini Yorkshire Terrier Puppy. He is super tiny and super full of mischief and love. This has been on life list for at least 7 years, featured in wedding vows and now we finally have a puppy in our lives.

He is super cute and brings much joy to the our new home.  It also helps me to spend less hours at the office which is a blessing. Still lots of training to be done, lots of learning for both me, the boy and Frank. 

I am also enjoying how much joy he brings to other people, such a pleasure to be a part of. 

Two items crossed of my list of things I wanted to do in my life - yeah!



Welcome to Olympics

I live in London town, a place taken over by the 5 rings and I must admit I fell asleep last night watching the opening ceremony. I am desperately trying to not to be an Olympic Grinch.  I lived in Sydney in 2000 and loved it and had a ball, am I just older and more cynical or do I live in a different world now where inequalities are shown to me everyday, when I know life is so tough for so many on an daily basis. So I am now keeping my mouth zipped and let people make of it what they want, take the goodness and leave the rest. 

So the most inspired I have been is the infographics created by Gustavo Sousa to look behind the pomp and circumstance. 

'stripped-down statistics from each region through simple scale shifts of the tournament’s iconic quintet of overlapping loops. The rings represent healthy competition and union, but we know the world isn’t perfect. Maybe understanding the differences is the first step to try to make things more equal.'

Discovered via Fast Company Design
Check out the full article

If money wasn't an issue

I have list that helps me focus on what I really want when I don't limit myself to the practicalities of working and earning money to pay for life. I do need this list as often even when a great thing maybe about to happen I can opt for the safe option, I am so conditioned to give in or compromise, not to anyone in particular just life and the world. That voice kicks in of be sensible, be practical la la la la and on and on. So I am delighted to say that in the last few weeks that a few items have been ticked sometimes in rebellion to my own reluctance, so much that in the last few days I have felt a little overwhelmed with the goodness. I need to find new places for all the greatness. So strange really that when you receive what you truly want it can be a challenge in itself.

Thank you world for persevering even when I would find it easier to walk away.