Welcome to Olympics

I live in London town, a place taken over by the 5 rings and I must admit I fell asleep last night watching the opening ceremony. I am desperately trying to not to be an Olympic Grinch.  I lived in Sydney in 2000 and loved it and had a ball, am I just older and more cynical or do I live in a different world now where inequalities are shown to me everyday, when I know life is so tough for so many on an daily basis. So I am now keeping my mouth zipped and let people make of it what they want, take the goodness and leave the rest. 

So the most inspired I have been is the infographics created by Gustavo Sousa to look behind the pomp and circumstance. 

'stripped-down statistics from each region through simple scale shifts of the tournament’s iconic quintet of overlapping loops. The rings represent healthy competition and union, but we know the world isn’t perfect. Maybe understanding the differences is the first step to try to make things more equal.'

Discovered via Fast Company Design
Check out the full article


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