amazing discovery - something for Amanda

Surfing the interwebs as I do for inspiration - I went to check on a fav website by Keri Smith and for some reason I got jumped to a post on July 9th 2008. I think it was written for another Amanda, but I also think it has been written for me. The title even says it - truthful things about being an artist and a mother, (for amanda).

One of those moments that lights my thoughts and feelings that I am part of a bigger system, a message written 2 years previously that speaks to one of my burning questions. As I finally hit upon my creative gold am I willing to risk it for another life that includes being a parent?

Today it is my Dad's birthday, he would have been 65.... he didn't make it. In times like this when life, death and meaning are so big in my daily life. It makes the parenting question have a different light. It feels like such a gift to make the discovery of Keri's writing.

Maybe a reverse birthday present from Dad.


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