it was in that book that I was told I could paint for the joy, for the expression of any image I wanted. I remember the magic of reading the words and starting to make images and it was like someone had given me an incredible permission to create for no other reason other than my personal need. Michele gave back to me what studying art for the HSC at school had taken away. Making art at school gave me so much joy I could work all night and not feel it but my teacher was so negative about what I did that it really broke the confidence that I had my creating. 'Amanda is an enthusiastic student but I just don't like what she does' a comment to my parents. I remember my Mum asking me why I wanted to continue with the lack of support from my teacher. I responded with it is the one thing I love doing and studying I don't want to give it away. I did art for my HSC and despite my teacher when i got marked externally I did very well. But after that I gave it away for many years, I would tinker but nothing really. I had made a decision to get a business degree and my art slipped away.
Michele Cassou's book brought it back to me. I was 24 and I started studying counselling knowing I really wanted to work with people or somehow just knowing I wanted something different something more me...and the painting came back. First it was sheets of different colours then I started doing more and more. It is now nearly 8 years later and I paint nearly every day it has taken that many years to truly recognise and realise how much I need to paint and create. I feel incredibly satisfied with life when I paint, joy, happiness and a general calm.

photo: the only photo from my Paris painting dream
i always had a dream that I would do a attend one of her courses and 2 years ago I did. In Paris I was with one of her teachers in an apartment in Paris and it was wonderful. I have taken many more courses since then that are more about technique. Michele Cassou is all about process. Something very special and different. I go through the phases where I forget her amazing gift.

photo: favourite painting this week
This week I discovered her CDs that I ordered last year when I splashed out. I now have hours of her voice reminding me of her magic, her wisdom and the gift of spontaneous images of allowing what your instinct is telling you. Truly being natural! I have been listening to her on the tube, train and as I walk around London. It has brought me back to what is important to me. It gives me courage when I don't find it easy, it conflicts with every concept of 'art' in this contemporary world. But then I am rewarded with paintings that have a beauty of something I can't imagine.
for the love of Michele Cassou.
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