i picked up my second roll of film today from being developed. A couple of fun shots of a farewell meal with the lovely Jane at Ping Pong. (The home of the delightful lychee and rose martini, also pictured). What I love is the how much fun we were having comes through in the Diana photos. Jane and Joe are leaving London to experience one of their dreams and live in Paris, how fab!
i love how the camera has created the opportunity for more creative adventures. On Saturday when the boy kicked me out the house to do a rehersal I caught a bus to go on a photo adventure, see shots below. I even took some B&Ws just waiting the week turn around time for development, v.exciting.
at the moment I am really enjoying how much time I am spending making, creating or pursuing something creative my fine arts course contributes lots to this and I love love learning. Studying and learnig new things regularly is so comforting to me and increases my happiness factor dramatically. Can I gush anymore....
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