The danger of blogs and the internet is like a really big version of comparing our insides to someone else outsides. A mistake most of us make and it is lesson I try to remember, when that person looks like they have a great life, they have it all together etc etc etc doesn't mean that is how they feel about. The pain of wanting to be somebody else...... I do this far less often these days(thank goodness), and sometimes when I look at blogs, and artists online I want what they have got. It is a really bad version of the same dis-ease only much bigger because everyone can edit and portray whatever they want on the web as their outside.
And then we have the amazing people who lay it on the line everyone now and then, or maybe all the time. When they are honest about how they feel, or what is happening for them. So even when they have the life I want they make it survivable so I can recall that we are mortal.
comparing my insides to someone else outsides
Posted by
on Monday, 23 April 2012
Amanda Carmichael,
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