Susan Hiller is just brilliant!! I had the best time seeing her exhibition at the Tate Britain with a friend from college. The exhibition was interesting and I really enjoyed the different mediums and her approach to the work. I am trying to convince the boy to visit so he can experience the show especially 'An Entertainment' which I think he will appreciate.
The work is so intelligent and thoughtful and it seems like devoid of the artist touch but in fact highly personal and at the same time scientific in style. I have been perplexed in a way about what this means for me and the way I make my art and questioning if my art is self indulgent. But then all art could be seen as self indulgent.
My challenge is I only truly know how to start from my self and work outwards I don't know what is truth and and what is fiction except about what I know about myself and how that impacts the world I know.
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