i am not shared my dark secret here, it is noisy, costly and somewhat ridiculous
I am in love with polaroid cameras. Yes that is right I am in love with outdated technology. Expensive as no one makes the film anymore well except the IMPOSSIBLE PROJECT who are still struggling to brings together a great new film to use with the good old polaroid cameras.
The cameras have started taking shelf space because there are so peculiar in shape they look like old artefacts. I am madly in love and they camera brings me much joy.
Evidence of their worth was this evening, I was working far too late in the office for a Friday night and so on leaving the light was good and I happen to have my big chunky OneStep with me and some PX 600 Silvershade. I captured two images of my unexplainable fascination of people and tubes and stations.
5 mins that brought me the most joy I have had all day, the camera wirred people stared and I quickly snuck the photo away not to over develop. When I got home, 2 sepia treasures in my journal.
ps. more photos at flickr photostream
pps. now you know where my last b&w came from, so I guess no real secret.
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