this pretty much sums up my life challenge, I love Gaping Void!
gapingvoid gallery
gapingvoid gallery
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on Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Hugh MacLeod Inspiration
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over my head - check out Katie Armstrong
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I am over my head this week with stuff, finishing my animation, preparing for the end of the course and tutorial with course co-ordinator, work being frantic. and so for inspiration i visited Katie Armstrong's website and animations - well worthwhile take a look!
one of her masterpieces below and check her website out.
one of her masterpieces below and check her website out.
Goodbye Sorrow from Katie Armstrong on Vimeo.
Summer Sunday
drawing into the third dimension
Posted by
on Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Birgit Knoechl,
blog recommendation,
mixed media
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thanks to of paper and things blog (wonderful by the way for art inspired and me with paper) I discovered Birgit Knoechl. She is just up my street, clear crisp definition of shape and form, pushing drawing into three dimensions.
described on her website
" The desire to find ways of making drawings outgrow the limits of the two
dimensional surface is the driving force of Birgit Knoechl’s practice. She draws
ever-new forms and patterns based on the shapes and structures of all manner of
vegetative life forms –- and then cuts these forms out and arranges the cut_outs
as sculptural objects in different spatial scenarios, or animates them by filming
them in close-up. Trying out these different scenarios for staging the cut_outs in
installations, Knoechl continuously explores how these drawings cut into space
and what the space would do to them, how their staging in the space could bring
them to life, and how the space could be brought to life through the drawings.
Knoechl thus shows installation and video to be media that can open up a space
(a real space as well as an imaginary one) around a drawing –- or more precisely,
that in space and video the immanent potential spatiality of drawings can be
unfolded. "
very inspiring, a worthy use of your time.
described on her website
" The desire to find ways of making drawings outgrow the limits of the two
dimensional surface is the driving force of Birgit Knoechl’s practice. She draws
ever-new forms and patterns based on the shapes and structures of all manner of
vegetative life forms –- and then cuts these forms out and arranges the cut_outs
as sculptural objects in different spatial scenarios, or animates them by filming
them in close-up. Trying out these different scenarios for staging the cut_outs in
installations, Knoechl continuously explores how these drawings cut into space
and what the space would do to them, how their staging in the space could bring
them to life, and how the space could be brought to life through the drawings.
Knoechl thus shows installation and video to be media that can open up a space
(a real space as well as an imaginary one) around a drawing –- or more precisely,
that in space and video the immanent potential spatiality of drawings can be
unfolded. "
very inspiring, a worthy use of your time.
sketch crawl
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sketch sketching delight
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I stumbled on a 'sketch crawl', I didn't even know what it was. I was delighted and suprised and I wish I was in Washington DC on July 17th. I am inspired and maybe I can organise a few over the summer here in London town. Shout out to the inspiring and amazing Elizabeth Graber and the Sketch Crawl.
interesting thoughts
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on Monday, 21 June 2010
about me,
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'Blue-sky thinking, finding the inner you; if you look up ‘creativity’ on the internet you’ll be bombarded with sites to help you get in contact with your creative potential. I blame Joseph Beuys, that modern art guru of fat and felt, who claimed “everyone is an artist”. Now we all feel we have something to say. But do we? Of course Beuys didn’t mean everyone has the potential to be a Picasso. Motivated by utopian beliefs, culled from Romantic writers such as Novalis and the anthroposophy of Rudolf Steiner, he believed in the power of universal human creativity to bring about revolutionary change. '
from Sue Hubbard on Creativity - full article here
I really found Sue Hubbard's article on creativity interesting in the Observer Magazine yesterday. That creativity can often be an outouring from a life that doesn't smell like roses. It also reminded me about how great the concept of the School of Life is. The School of Life is a new social enterprise offering good ideas for everyday living. Check it out -
from Sue Hubbard on Creativity - full article here
I really found Sue Hubbard's article on creativity interesting in the Observer Magazine yesterday. That creativity can often be an outouring from a life that doesn't smell like roses. It also reminded me about how great the concept of the School of Life is. The School of Life is a new social enterprise offering good ideas for everyday living. Check it out -
lost in the abyss
At the moment I am lost in the abyss of not knowing what to do (which I also realise is a defence mechanism). I made a decision while in Glasgow to make a turn towards something I love and although desperate to do, I am finding it painful and super challenging.
I will show you photos of time of decision, I knew it was momentous, and I needed to stay committed to the clarity in that moment so took polaroids. I will post tonight.
In the meantime I am getting lost in completing my animation project ( which I must admit the boy is being incredibly helpful with).
I will show you photos of time of decision, I knew it was momentous, and I needed to stay committed to the clarity in that moment so took polaroids. I will post tonight.
In the meantime I am getting lost in completing my animation project ( which I must admit the boy is being incredibly helpful with).
straight from the sketchbook
As part of my CLFA at City Lit, today I spent 6hrs sketching in the Natural History Museum a stibrite - chief source of the mineral antimony - spray of bright lustrous crystals.
I felt wonderfully exhausted at the end, a day of arm soreness, concentration and frustration and then a sense of satisfaction and contentment.
hours animating
busy working away at my animation project, due to work I am going to miss one class so I need to make up for lost time. Wow don't the hours disappear when you are working in After Effects. Fingers crossed there will be something at the end that I will love to share. My fascination with the tube is getting another outlet. I am loving putting together a little cut out animation.
Sneak peek of one of the drawn images.
Sneak peek of one of the drawn images.
joy of my dark secrets
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on Friday, 11 June 2010
polaroid onestep photography London tube silvershade
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i am not shared my dark secret here, it is noisy, costly and somewhat ridiculous
I am in love with polaroid cameras. Yes that is right I am in love with outdated technology. Expensive as no one makes the film anymore well except the IMPOSSIBLE PROJECT who are still struggling to brings together a great new film to use with the good old polaroid cameras.
The cameras have started taking shelf space because there are so peculiar in shape they look like old artefacts. I am madly in love and they camera brings me much joy.
Evidence of their worth was this evening, I was working far too late in the office for a Friday night and so on leaving the light was good and I happen to have my big chunky OneStep with me and some PX 600 Silvershade. I captured two images of my unexplainable fascination of people and tubes and stations.
5 mins that brought me the most joy I have had all day, the camera wirred people stared and I quickly snuck the photo away not to over develop. When I got home, 2 sepia treasures in my journal.
ps. more photos at flickr photostream
pps. now you know where my last b&w came from, so I guess no real secret.
too many lemons
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on Friday, 4 June 2010
about me,
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life is throwing a lot of lemons so I certainly need this awesome stand to make the lemonade!
courtesy of the great blog sfgirrlbybay
photo by jasfitz
grabbing bliss when you can

today I woke up to the bliss of blue skies and sunshine so I grabbed 30mins on the sofa in the bay window with a coffee in my hands and the sun streaming in. In a time of government efficiencies where I am making hard decisions in my day job, giving bad news to those who don't deserve it, seeing friends unfairly redundant and family members losing use of their body permanently. Today I grab the bliss where I can.
learning & and searching

if you know me well or a little, you will know I do a lot of courses. I do love to learn and it feeds me form the inside out. Currently on the timetable I am continuing my Fine Arts (2 year part time course) undertaking a 10 week After Effects animation course plus on online course Flying Lessons:Tips and Tricks for to Help Your Creative Business Soar with Kelly Rae Roberts.
I love learning, especially creative things and making. Part of me hopes one day I will make something and I will know it is the thing I want to continue and make for infinity. But I am the sort of person who if they could would have 15 careers I just love learning and discovery and growing.
Part of it comes from having the finances to do courses which wasn't really an option when I was younger. I give to my whims I do a lot of crazy things but somehow in my values I believe in learning like others believe in religion. Education is the way out for everyone, the way to create yourself and your dreams.
Sometimes I have great doubt, today is one of those days my fear is present. Questioning all the different things that I have done, all the investment of time and money I have spent on courses, and I still struggle with knowing what I want to be, today it is all nibbling away at me. I am a seeker but when will it be enough? Don't I want to become a master at something????
My fears laid bare, what will this all build to be? This leads to my penultimate question that plagues me often, What Should I do with My Life?