Been busy working for the girl. Creating items for my online adventure to share my Splendidly Imperfect Girl with the world via
my etsy shop and
blog. I thought it would be super easy and everything fall into place if it was meant to happen. It isn't really happening like that. But I am giving it my whole heart giving it a go with the best of my knowledge and at least I will know if it is meant to be. It will stop me from wondering in the future if it would have worked.
My newest creations are on this old fashioned luggage tags which are part of my new love, easy obtainable democratic art on stationary objects treasured or used at will.

I have a batch of mugs in the oven, I can't wait for them to be complete. And if nothing else I am learning so much about moderating the ups and downs of dreams, and making them happen. My mission has always been about learning and growing and I am certainly doing that.
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