Before I discovered how to became SPLENDIDLY IMPERFECT,I worked jobs that paid for bills and lifestyle and my life look fine and often to others good or even great. The reality is on the inside is that I was so caught in being PERFECT that I was afraid, too tired, too sensible to have the courage to move towards my dream. Even if it is just to say ‘No’ to a social outing to write on our journal, or ‘No’ to a loved one when they want our attention.
I am sort of in the place again as a Splendidly Imperfect Person - have I forgotten my lessons. It feels like a long way back. It takes deep courage to follow our dreams whatever that may look like because so many people are hooked on bringing others down, to stampede on dreams because they can’t tolerate that we can actually change our lives, take responsibility and reach for what brings us joy, we can bring our dreams into our daily existence.
PS. I love creating lots of imperfect things and I have discovered a place for the imperfect creations photos that I love.... a place in me.
PPS I can't even get the font to change so I give in to it.
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