thanks to
of paper and things blog (wonderful by the way for art inspired and me with paper) I discovered Birgit Knoechl. She is just up my street, clear crisp definition of shape and form, pushing drawing into three dimensions.
described on her website
" The desire to find ways of making drawings outgrow the limits of the two
dimensional surface is the driving force of
Birgit Knoechl’s practice. She draws
ever-new forms and patterns based on the shapes and structures of all manner of
vegetative life forms –- and then cuts these forms out and arranges the cut_outs
as sculptural objects in different spatial scenarios, or animates them by filming
them in close-up. Trying out these different scenarios for staging the cut_outs in
installations, Knoechl continuously explores how these drawings cut into space
and what the space would do to them, how their staging in the space could bring
them to life, and how the space could be brought to life through the drawings.
Knoechl thus shows installation and video to be media that can open up a space
(a real space as well as an imaginary one) around a drawing –- or more precisely,
that in space and video the immanent potential spatiality of drawings can be
unfolded. "
very inspiring, a worthy use of your time.