there have been good times commuting I have watched movies, tv series, TED talks, listened to podcasts, read books, sketched, slept, zoned out, photographed, drank alot of coffee and listened to music. And many bad times, where I am stuck tunnels on trains, cold, hungry, late and just wishing I could beat work or at home rather than in train or waiting on a platform. This is especially the case if you are a little unwell or tired it feels like you are climbing a mountain just to get to work.
i am happy to be saying goodbye to the commute and scratching it of my hobby list and gaining back 2 hours a day (new job 30mins travel time). Respect too all those who continue to commute and it is more than 20months of their life, may the travel gods be with you. For me it is farewell commuting and hello time!
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