last week I had a hiatus as my day job took over. I am currently juggling two different roles and it takes up all my brain and creative capacity during the mon-fri week. It has been very sad to loose the hours I have gained lately creating in the evening. I have promised myself that I will put in a killer week at work this week just to get over some hurdles and then I am going back to my routine that I have developed. I don't want to be sucked into the work vortex.
i did spend hours at the tate on Saturday afternoon after a lovely breakfast at Lantana with the boy and Joe + Jane. I finally joined the tate and so visited Per Kirkeby again and wandered through the futurism exhibition. Sunday I worked on a ongoing work and somehow finished it for now. I have included the image, it feels brave to do it but I will.
in all of this Hazel Dooney an Australian artist I discovered only a few short weeks ago, her blog keeps me going. Her honesty and sharing I love. She blogs daily which feels like a respite even when I am being a business analyst or customer relationship marketing manager (depending on the day or hour).
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