this week work has sucked the life out of me and I am very happy to be sitting here on Saturday morning inspired by the 3days of weekend that stretch in front of me, time in my own space. Last night started with Jasper's birthday at a french restaurant in soho and now I wake make myself a a good coffee and be in my room
the place I live now in London is the first time I have ever had a dedicated space to making, my very own room that lives and breathes me. It has my lovely mac photos of my lovely peeps that live near and faraway, postcards of art that inspires, piles of books I am using for reference at current time........and at the moment stacks of paintings and materials out and about from some frenzied making last weekend. Looking at the photo Lawrence took last weekend while I was painting I realised how crazy it is right now. (I have also included some photos when it was fresh and new!) So today it is time for a organise while I move into the next phase. I start my fine arts course in 2 weeks and new phase
anyway first step, sort out my lovely space maybe put some news works out in the apartment do some reviewing and then clear the decks. Maybe even take all photos down and print some new photos of my peeps. It is my birthday soon so I guess I am starting to think of how this new age will be different, what do I want it to be full of ? Is there stuff I am currently doing that I would like to change to a new place and new habit.
so many big questions at the moment. What is art? What do I want mine to be about? Is it personal expression of my own dilemmas or the stuff that bothers me from the big bad world? I have much to say about so much, where do I begin. I don't want to be a just smart intelligent art for the educated... I have had a flash...I am going to start creating a wall of what i want it to be.... I will keep you posted.
p.s did I say I love+love my room, it is white with a skylight full of sun when London smiles. The only thingI dream of adding is a big arm chair for reading and contemplating.