JR's TED Prize wish: Use art to turn the world inside out - loving it

my work - flags, the space where you have been

image: detail of flag

Yesterday I had a case of the SADS (i don't think it was really season affect disorder although the grey mist and gloom didn't help), I was just plain feeling sad. I missed home aka Australia, I was missing my family and then I realised my Dad doesn't live on the other side of the planet anymore. My team I work with did great at making me feel better and underneath it all it was one of those days.

and I truly felt the space where you had been, a previous life an old me that doesn't exist anymore and into my mid jumped my flag that quotes ' the space where you lived'.


Photos = phase 1 of house of memories

Weekend summary - worked late on Friday night at office then had take away; Saturday printing at City Lit print room; Sat night re heat take away with boy; Sunday weaving and stitching what is becoming the house of memories(with a little bit of Oprah on the side), quick run to John Lewis for more supplies and then cooked a stack of roast veggies for dinner with the boy.

This weekend=lots of making=happy me.

Krista Muir inspiration

Inspiration for me and you by Krista Muir a new lovely discovery via Hoopla: the art of unexpected embroidery

my work - playing with possibilities

All the ideas that have built up in my sketchbook, brain and fingers are started to be played with. Before I dive head long in another engrossing new work I am playing with possibility. I still get really surprised when the ideas that have built into wonderful concepts in my imagination in reality are tedious or just don't hold the magic..... and then in an unexpected morsel of an idea something starts to take hold that begins to wake you with potential in the mornings.

So something has started to take a hold and I am still determined to play with possibilities for some more.

my work - closing in on the last stitch

flag - done!!
So close to the last page that it is really bothering me, so glad it is the weekend. Although that means I am truly and full frontal facing the last stitches.

my work - Flag 63

In the fog of slowness (aka delaying losing this connection to my focus, my Dad and the physical process of my grief) I have just completed FLAG 063 - only one more to go. Moments or months or weeks past I had plenty of energy for the next idea right now I am blank and solely on one stitch at a time.