adj.- Conforming to fact and therefore worthy of trust, reliance, or belief: an authentic account by an eyewitness.
- Having a claimed and verifiable origin or authorship; not counterfeit or copied: an authentic medieval sword.
- Law. Executed with due process: an authentic deed.
- Music.
- Of, relating to, or being a medieval mode having a range from its final tone to the octave above it.
- Of, relating to, or being a cadence with the dominant chord immediately preceding the tonic chord.
- Obsolete. Authoritative.
[Middle English autentik, from Old French autentique, from Late Latin authenticus, from Greek authentikos, from authentēs, author.]
authentically au·then'ti·cal·ly adv.SYNONYMS authentic, bona fide, genuine, real, true, undoubted, unquestionable. These adjectives mean not counterfeit or copied: an authentic painting by Corot; a bona fide transfer of property; genuine crabmeat; a real diamond; true courage; undoubted evidence; an unquestionable antique.
ANTONYM counterfeit
acknowledgement to
part of me has a sense right now that this word is now in the category of overuse. The perplexing thing is I don't even have a word before that I have felt this way about. In recent weeks I have been super busy and engrossed, in love and enthralled with my life of making. It is perplexing that something about the word authentic and authenticity has been really bothering me.
I have been thinking about writing a post about a moment that could be described a breakthrough, where my art becomes more authentic but quite frankly that word now holds a lot of baggage for me. Right now that words rings alert for a tosser. So you can see it is bringing up a lot of feelings.
I was even thinking of avoiding this blog altogether and never posting again, maybe it is all a giant waste of time.
Never the less I am here, I am in a new place my personal project and art has become incredible personal and once again I feel reinvigorated and like I moving towards goodness. At previous moments like this I may have described this as being more authentic but these descriptions have caused a reaction. Which I find interesting in itself as I remember many many years ago reading the seminal Sarah Ban Breathnach's Simple Abundance and all the talk of authenticity was inspiring and revolutionary, and I guess the word and all it holds for me has now moved somewhere else.