I was very lucky to be introduced to RjDj an amazing app by a great person I worked with until a couple of months ago. I really couldn't enjoy or experience it as I didn't own an iPhone. Since being the proud owner of an iPhone I have been more focused on all the visual discoveries but now into the world of sound I dive.
As with most of my personal research I started out this sound adventure with the tube - the experience in 35mins on the way to work this morning was so fabulous it has reignited my energy and creativity. As I posted yesterday I am feeling really tired and flat and this has given me a great boost. So exciting to think of all the things I could explore with sound on the London underground. I am very unsophisticated in my use but it has opened up a whole new world of sound and listening.
Go RjDj so awesome and so much fun and creating in ordinary moments - highly recommended. If you have an iPhone have some fun @ rjdj.me